Good afternoon, to continue with your Scottish theme, may I suggest that at paragraph 20, where you have, "... tipping has always been a wrought;" the final word should be 'rort.' Ok they do sound quite similar, but vary in meaning. My own Scottish grandmother, schooled at Uddingston in the Clyde valley, and for many years departmental secretary in English at Canterbury University, would I'm sure have upbraided me for such an error...... And, somehow she has drummed it into me to correct where correction is needed..... Anyways, if perchance you may find the suggestion to be helpful, (Kind regards, William)

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William..thank you for pointing out this clanger! I’m horrified at making such a rookie error. Guess I’m a bit travel weary.

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There is no room for generosity of heart toward individual good service anymore. It is a lost freedom.

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Excellent article Peter. Recent three and half week visit to Canada (Alberta and Victoria) revealed it’s exactly the same there. Your comment re tipping in NZ maybe too late. We’ve heard that it’s creeping in here, particularly up north, especially on payWave transactions. I don’t mind the coin jar (hey, but that takes cash). Recent global computer meltdown highlighted that perhaps more businesses should accept cash after all.

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The "advised" price?

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I always ask if the tip goes to the crew or the management? Crew equals card payment, management equals cash payment. Yes funny, I still carry cash, it makes me feel wealthy 😁

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Friends recently arrived home inform me that Europe is much more expensive too. The peril of using NZ pesos!

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