And I would add that 55 is not old! At 55 you still have a minimum of 10 productive years in the workforce.

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It surprises me that the people who have analysed “the data” seem to show dismissive and show so little care that the jab may have shortened old people’s lives.

When did it become ok? Just because they were old and might die anyway…

It’s criminal that anyone should be cheated of precious time with their elderly family members due to premature death by jab.

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Well stated Peter. Nobody else would be allowed to supply a product that could kill people, cos even if one person dies there is a huge fuss, unless they are a Palestinian. I am surprised that more people didnt protest about the continued supply of vaccine in NZ, cos it should be a human rights issue, and we needed some Judges to confront it. When the whistleblower gets to court soon, the Judge will need to take him seriously, cos all NZ will be watching. Did just 4 people die from vaccine, or was it more like 12,000 ?

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Interesting, however I suggest you've overlooked the fact that the jab was rolled out to the elderly, being the "most vulnerable", first. It was required (mandated) for all rest homes, retirement villages, and hospitals etc. As were the boosters. As a proportion of all age groups vaccinated, I suggest the elderly would have the highest vaccination and booster rates. Perhaps this is a stronger correlation for the higher death rates?

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