There is a group in New Zealand who were far more disadvantaged than Maori. They were legislated against, taxed for being here, victims of universal discrimination and abuse and yet they worked hard, valued education, preserved their own culture, paid taxes and contributed without complaint. They are under represented in our criminal justice system and parliament and over represented in our high achievers. They are Chinese.

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It would appear the Solicitor General needs to have a meeting, without coffee, with the Minister of Justice to ensure the Coalition Governments electoral mandate, as recorded in the Coalition agreement, is understood as applicable also to the Solicitor General.

The essential point is that all are to be equal before the law.

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Once you untangle the typical lawyer word salad - this is quite simply racial division.

Justice system apartheid style.

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Thanks for the article, Peter. The new iteration of the SG Guidelines is even more dense and voluminous than the last.

The language and tone of the present document clearly indicates that the critical theory approach is alive and well in parts of Government and, I regret to say, in the justice arm. Equal justice before the law is an ideal but as Orwell said, some are more equal than others

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Divide and conquer! That’s what they are doing and it’s working!!

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Appreciate your sharings. The reality is we are not all equal before the law. That I believe is a fallacy, a throw away line that we've all just accepted without question. This whole treaty situation is just another example of that. We've seen what politicians, media and govt workers have done and they seem to get away with things that us everyday ordinary people do not. Many people and organisations are above the law - banks, IMF, WEF, WHO, Gates, diplomats with immunity etc and many of us are confused that just because something is legal it may neither be moral or ethical. The only thing correct about Marxism is it truly is a class war.

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I was thrilled to receive this letter from David Seymour this morning, it just shows if we keep across these politicans enough something just might stick - thanks so much to Peter Williams and team for helping us keep them honest...... a Hell of a job!!!

Dear Jane

Thank you for your note. I was surprised to hear about this, to say the least. It is against our values and appears to contradict the Need Not Race circular passed by Cabinet (as part of ACT’s Coalition Agreement).

Judith Collins is the Attorney General, responsible for the Solicitor General who issued these guidelines. This morning my Chief of Staff has asked her advisors for an explanation of how this happened and what can be done about it.

After their response, we’ll have more to say.


Description automatically generated

Office of Hon David Seymour

Deputy Prime Minister (from 31 May 2025)

Minister for Regulation

Associate Minister of Education

Associate Minister of Justice

Associate Minister of Finance

Associate Minister of Health

7.6 Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings


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