Very interesting questions Peter. I remember we had some system at my primary school where students could deposit into Countrywide bank each week. I also really enjoyed the Bank of Dave film.

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Good article - actually I had forgotten about the PSIS which I was a member of many years ago. I am with Kiwibank and am not happy with them also because of their woke outlook and also having problems with right now wanting to know private information regarding my account with them. Anyone else having problems? We definitely need to look at some other options as you suggest Peter.

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I go with Kiwibank as a matter of principle. Basically oblivious to NZer of the year and wokeness is everywhere (Hato Hone St John's is the one that really gets my goat).

What I wonder about is why the Govt doesn't do its business through them.

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Yes....I have stopped supporting St. John since they adopted the Hone rubbish. I will close my Kiwibank account this week. This sort of propaganda has to be stamped out.

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Very pertinent questions Peter. I think these past 4 years in particular has made many people question how one lives, with whom they bank, how they make decisions. We can if we want to, create a Bank of Dave!

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Research the’International Bank of Bob’ about kiva loans. It is a system that has been working for many years and I believe could be adapted for New Zealand conditions.

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Is our money safe with the big 4, Peter? I'm hearing much about an impending global financial collapse that could necessitate bail-ins and haircuts or the complete loss of our funds to be replaced by CBDC's.

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I'm not sure if it's the best example, but not too long back we had a local loans and investment institution in South Canterbury.

It ran on the oils of handshakes,

And handwritten records on scraps of paper,


For some reason or another, Minister of Commerce Simon Power took a bit of a dislike to it,

The principal subsequently perished as result of a traffic accident on S.H.1,

Power left government to take up a senior role with Westpac,

Was that your Bank of Dave?

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