As an organic farmer there was a time when I and many of my like-minded farmer friends did vote for the Green Party for their old school genuine environmental policies. Climate change was only a very small part of the discussion back in those times and was tied to good lan stewardship. Now the environmental policies we wanted (clean rivers, no over-use of fertilizers and biocides etc) are mainstream policies for all parties. The modern woke Green party incarnation appears to now have no environmental policies apart for their absurd climate apocalypse theory and is focused on racism and economic retistribution from the productive part of our society to the non-productive. They also seem to have totally rejected their earlier libertarian local community freedom views in favour of centralised authoritarianism and social woke extremism. 25 years ago most of my farming mates were inclined to vote Green, this year we are all ACT or NZF voters. I doubt you'd even need two hands to count the number of NZ farmers voting for the Green Party this election.

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Fonterra and Nestle Management are as bought and paid for as the politicians with respect to climate change targets. Agree that Act is the only part y over the 5% threshold that would benefit farmers

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Don't panic Pete. The only farmers that are that short on brain cells are the ones that are growing the whacky cabbage and consuming to much of their own product. Labour and the Greens have their fingers in their ears and singing Lalalaala so as they can't hear the updated information coming from the UN. If you want to sing along go and join them.

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What Peter says is true, but not the complete story. I'll start by saying I'm voting Act myself and have little empathy with Greens.

Now, that said, it is true that our emissions are 0.17% of the world's total. That means for every 600 tonnes we contribute 1 tonne. Hardly cause for alarm. Eliminating it completely wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.

We are however 5 million out of 8 billion inhabitants, that is 1 out of every 1600. Hence we are contributing 1600/600 = 2.7 times the pollution per head of population as the worldly average. Hardly cause for complacency., and hardly putting us in the position of pointing the finger at others to do something about the problem, if it is a problem, and I happen to think it is.

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Your arithmetic ignores the fact that most of the world's population does not produce dairy products to anything like the extent per head the NZ does.

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I was just giving the facts, the bald, unadorned facts. Now they can be distorted, justified whatever you like. It won't alter the situation that they are the facts.

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