The MSM is in its dying throes and these issues of bias only hasten their end. By MSM I also include TV.

I think that Kiwis understand what is going on and once they have cancelled their subscriptions they aren’t going back. The plunging numbers of paper subscribers and TV watchers is proof that Kiwis have moved on. There are many open and free/cheap platforms like yours that do provide independent opinion and ‘real facts’.

Keep up the good work.

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I had to hunt for Currie's article that you mentioned. I agree that his style is a bit turgid but then, as a practitioner of "long form" the same could be said about me. I think my concern about MSM is the way that there is an uncritical account of the Government or establishment points of view accompanied by a stereotypical dismissal of any contrary point of view. Whether this is a a result of the Public Interest Journalism Fund or some sort of buy in to the rather vague concept of social cohesion that is the phrase du jour in Govt circles since 2019 I cannot say. But I am researching and will write on "social cohesion" in the near future.

Thanks for the post and for your insights

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