NZ media is way too woke to put this up in front of their audience, they are controlled , never more was this more evident when they (on 1ZB) reported Karmilla Harris was polling just ahead of Donald Trump not 2 days after taking over from sleepy Joe Biden , much like the innocent Girls getting butchered in England , crickets , the controversy of the opening ceremony, I could go on and on , the MSM in NZ much like all of the western media are the mouthpiece of the powers that control the narrative , I turned them off around about May / June 2020 when I couldn’t handle their lies any longer , proud to say I didn’t watch one of Ardern’s daily midday Covid reports during the dark days of August-February 2022/23, lest we forget that debarcle

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If they did cover the story on the 6PM bulletin, half of it would be in Te Reo so maybe I just missed it 😅

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Thankyou Peter for giving us an authentic account of the boxing drama in Paris, cos MSM will only give us a sanitized version of the truth. It is looking obvious that the IOC has canceled the previous boxing organization, so they could over-rule their finding that both boxers in question are XY males with male testosterone levels. Giving men gold medals for victory in womens olympic boxing will be a new low, and wont go un-noticed.

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