Peter - I too recall where I was and what I was doing on 22 November 1963. We were living in Epsom a few hundred meters from where I am now. It was about 10:00 am. I can still see the early summer morning light coming through my bedroom window as I was studying for UE and my Mum came in quite distressed with the news. It was the end of Camelot and although he may not have been perfect there were times when on a public platform he was inspiring.

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Hi Peter. Read JFK: The Smoking Gun. Written by a retired Australain detective. From memory it's in 3 parts: Oswald, Ruby & the true story. Read it cover to cover and you'll 99% know who killed JFK. No conspiracy. In many ways it's a commentary on the USA. Without giving it away, Bobby Kennedy got a phone call -"There's been an accident". You can forget the grassy knoll - his brain was blown out from the back. And with a bullert only one organisation used.

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It's almost like yesterday, I too was getting ready for Cricket at St Kevin's College Oamaru, putting on my Whites to play Waitaki Boy's, We lost

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I always suspected that JFKs demise was staged. When I saw 9/11 twin towers, I thought it was Pearl harbour all over again. And I still wonder if the moon landing was just a movie, made to measure on earth, just to look good.

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