He's a Wet Wipe Wimp who wants to be well thought of. Let's hope Seymour and Peters can provide the backbone the triumvirate needs.

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Absolutely right Peter it was an entitlement and he should not have backed down. Was he claiming an allowance illegally … no. Luxon has to realise that he will be a left wing media target for some time to come and be strong enough to take it on the chin without flinching. He will win no respect by being a whimp and succumbing to pathetic issues such as this, Strong leaders have courage to face criticism and that quality is essential in any Politician elected to be Prime Minister!

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The best form of defence is attack. Mind you after Newshub’s demise I expect that some of the other crappy left wing rags will also fall over.

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It is his conscience, and he has to live with his choices. I dont blame him for trying to curry favour with the voters in a cost of living crisis.

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Two words. "Bleeped" Disappointed. Any way I voted for a collation partner I believe has more intelligence and bigger cahonners.

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