I wish to comment on this statement:-

"Supporters of the Maori Health Authority or Te Aka Whai Ora say that we must have a separate agency to ensure Maori have equitable health outcomes and because the previous public health system was systematically racist."

I worked for over 50 years as a practicing pharmacist.

In that time I worked in all facets of pharmacy, in multiple cities and towns, providing health care to the public.

Pharmacy is very hands-on, direct person to person health service.

We pharmacists all treated all patients as individuals and tailored our approach to them in the manner that was appropriate to them as individuals to help them understand their medications and dosage times etc. There was NEVER any racial discrimination towards patients.

I can state categorically that I never saw or experienced any "systematic racism" in the practice of pharmacy in New Zealand.

NONE whatsoever !

It is a disgusting LIE to accuse health care workers of "systematic racism" against Maori people., and I stand here to refute this vile accusation on behalf of all pharmacists..

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Well said

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An excellent essay Peter. Thanks for doing your research for us.

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