The days are numbered for most MSM. They are only hanging on with State funding, either directly or via the leftist NZ on Air. My hope that ALL State funding of any media gets the chop in the mini budget, or at worst early next year. Why should tax payers fund a clearly corrupt MSM? I’d rather support my Substack favs like PeterWilliams! That’s my personal choice, which is the way it should be.

PS: I used to read the ODT every morning from cover to cover. That ended about 18 mths ago and my mornings are so much better without the yelling!

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I agree Peter and the language used in many of the stories is skewed. There was a piece in the Horild (not a spelling error but intended) that suggested the people were getting used to a new style of government! Really! All that has changed are the people and the ideas. The Westminster system hasn’t changed. I sometimes wonder if some of these journos recently landed from another planet.

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The Media theatre is getting very ho-hum, and they are losing credibility fast. It just makes me admire how resolute the 3 amigos have become, and they are taking care of business at some pace. Winston seem to have a good grasp of what woke is, and what to do about it, and he can sweep out the media trash like the leeches they are. They could have been honorable about losing, but they are too busy claiming victimhood over very little, showing their true colours, and reminding us why we had to vote them out.

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