I agree with Peter Williams and was disappointed when David Seymour did not get the support necessary to cut the school lunch program. It is a parents responsibility to feed their children and the state should not be involved.

I ate sandwiches, complimented by an apple, for school lunches and continue to have a sandwich for lunch many years later. Did not need a government, taxpayer paid, nutritionist to tell me that was okay.

The need to wean people away from expecting the government/taxpayer to pay for such personal matters is important if we are to progress as a productive and functional society.

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Well said, Peter.

It’s sad that Seymour can’t advance the Bill.

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The problem is. No one explains to would be parents, the costs of bringing up a child. They have multiple children. Then expect others. Ie. the tax payers. To pay for this lifestyle choice.

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You're on a soap box in cloud cuckoo land Peter. Nobody could possibly disagree that parents should provide lunches for their kids. Of course they should. But let's take a reality check -- the fact is that many don't. Shall we pass a law to make it compulsory? The law that says kids should be in school in the first place doesn't seem to work does it?

So let's look not at what SHOULD BE, but what IS. Kids should be fed, but many aren't. Usually, I suspect, that is because their parents are irresponsible; perhaps the money goes on booze and drugs. But that is not the kid's fault. You want them to suffer more for the incompetent upbringing they are receiving? There are teachers and schools who dip into their own pockets to help these kids. They need to be helped. It should be 'the system' that does the helping, not the school or the teachers.

And no, I wish it wasn't that way. It wasn't in my youth and I wish it wasn't now. But it is, and the question is what to do. You say, bemoan the state of affairs and leave the kids hungry -- goddam their parents. Others feel that the problem should be tackled, but in the meantime feed the little beggars -- they deserve it and not doing it will only add another factor to steer them into developing into antisocial nuisances. If you're hungry enough you steal. Is that what you want?

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I think Seymour and his colleagues should have to eat the same lunches as he is serving up for schoolchildren, and see how that goes down. Here is an opportunity for the govt to do something good for children, and set an example of sharing, but instead they are being meanspirited by serving processed and packaged food with poor nutritional value, in a cost of living crisis. It looks like Marie Antoinette and the aristocrats all over again, and remember what happened to them. Clearly the govt in Finland has more respect for its citizens, than our govt. This is one thing that our govt could have easily done well to promote social wellbeing, but I think prisoners probably get better lunches.

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Agree, teach parents how to provide healthy lunches for their children. I used to ride home from school for lunch often in the rain!. Good food is not expensive, grow your own vegetables and use these. Parents need to respect what being a parent is. Alternatively a good bowl of soup or rice would suffice!.

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