Fabulous to celebrate the Scots. Celebrating my 2% DNA connection to them.

I am 100% for national pride though.

I remember as a kid being so proud to cite our renowned NZers:

Hobson, Marsden, Wakefield and Grey.

World firsts like Rutherford and Hillary and Hackett.

World record breakers like Jean Batten, Peter Snell, and Bert Munroe.

World renowned artists like Katherine Mansfield, Colin McCahon, and yes, Peter Jackson.

Many others way beyond my late night senior brain.

Wonder how many had/have Scottish heritage?

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It is unlikely that these men would have accomplished these great deeds if the clan system had persisted beyond Culloden. There is a lesson there for us!

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Hi Peter I agree that there have been many great Scotsmen, and all you mentioned have made their mark I'm sure. But you've missed out on one who was possibly one of the greatest and most influential of them all. I am referring to David Livingstone, who laid down his life to bring the light of the Gospel to Africa. At one time in history, the search for him by someone( I forget his name-he was an American journalist, I think), and the statement he made when he found the great missionary and explorer, became world famous. It was "David Livingstone, I presume"! For me, as a Christian, for what David Livingstone did, what he endured, the faithfulness he inspired in others, and the fact that he gave his whole life in sacrifice to the mission he set out to accomplish, trumps all the others, great though they were.

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Peter - like . you I have been travelling in Scotland. Picked up a book entitled "City of the Mind" by James Buchan. I recommend it although it is not a light read. It follows the development of the Edinburgh Renaissance in the 18th Century and the transformation of Edinburgh from a disease-ridden town to one of the most respected European cities. It deals mainly with the intellectual development that took place - people like David Hume, Adam Smith and the like as well as the literary elite of the time. Robbie Burns comes in at the end and Walter Scott is waiting in the wings. It was good reading as we travelled the Highlands and to Orkney. I shall write about the latter in due course.

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Well said Peter. We forget how history has shaped us. Seems like many current regimes are determined to destroy these achievements. Mothers side of family part of the first 200 Scottish settlers, many the second sons. Enjoy your story-telling.

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And yet, in spite of your Scots DNA you cannae spell WHISKY - hint Peter:- it's not whiskEy

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It's laissey-faire, not laizzey-faire

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