I don’t think the Treaty grievance industry will ever be terminated. Too many gutless politicians and too many on the gravy train.

My great grandchildren, not born yet, will still be dealing with this dishonest crap.

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Brilliant piece...yes, how did the damage get done in the first place?? Inside help?

So sick of Treaty signing history being manipulated for dishonest and fraudulent purposes by a select few.

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The disgraceful attack had all the hallma_______________________________________

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Julian Batchelor of Stop Co-governance gives a very compelling argument for the Littlewood English version (the one found in 1989) as it is word by word matching the Maori one and the history matches. He also uses the Maori dictionary of the day to translate the meaning of so called contentious wording. There is no contention in meaning between the Littlewood version and the Maori version. The activists would hate it more though, because it leaves no doubt their ancestors ceded rule to the Crown. In doing so it freed all their slaves, who suddenly found they had rights to land and citizenship, were no longer considered a possession with no worth - no longer working to enrich the chiefs - something activists should ponder before desiring Tribal rule to be returned.

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Nelson museum had a guard on the door because of abuse to staff. So long as you arent rude to anyone, you can get away with murder.

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Your summary comment Peter is the key one. How on earth do Kiwis ever agree on a way forward? Even with a referendum, which I support, the problem remains. There are a significant number of Kiwis (Māori Separatists + what I call ‘woke leftards’) that are completely illogical and change history into whatever they want. At last count we have 5 versions of the Treaty along with all the re-interpretations. I’m afraid it’s like peace in the Middle East - beyond the point of finding a peaceful solution.

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Another well written piece Peter. Keep up the good work.

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The disgraceful attack by vandals had all the hallmarks of being at least a partially "inside job". Which the Police must investigate.

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Concise, accurate and to the point. Thank you Peter.

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You have to remember that the Auckland Museum couldnt bring themselves to host J.K. Rowlings Magnificent Creatures exhibition. They are too woke ! What kind of public service is that ?

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