Winston Peters is obliged to stay silent on immigration. In 2017’s campaign, he promised to “drastically reduce” net immigration from 70,000 a year to 10,000. Everyone thought he was truly committed to slashing numbers.

Similarly, Jacinda Ardern — acknowledging the pressure on infrastructure and housing – strongly implied Labour would reduce net migration by 20,000-30,000 people a year.

But their coalition agreement said only that the parties’ “shared priorities” would “Ensure work visas issued reflect genuine skills shortages and cut down on low-quality international education courses” and “Take serious action on migrant exploitation, particularly of international students”.

It was a fraud on voters who had trusted both of them. Peters has no credibility on the issue.

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It appears insane that this tsunami of immigrants is allowed into NZ, especially Auckland where 50% settle. The infrastructure deficit in Auckland is well known and looks to remain while a human wave of people, many of unknown potential and ability, put an ever increasing strain on resources.

Can’t we stop this flood and carry out a reset to ensure that we only receive those skilled and educated people we really want?

As usual, we are not consulted about this effect on NZ and its shorter term consequences.

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What's missing in this debate is the importance of broadening the narrow mindset of our parochial culture and past. It didn't take much travelling abroad for me to wake up to just how narrow was my perspective on life (habits, values, etc). A good education might well begin at home and continue through one's public schooling, but it falls short of a healthy worldview if not then broadened to include experiences of the world outside of little ol' N.Z.

For those unable (or unwilling) to travel extensively offshore, the next best thing is to get to know and enjoy our new neighbours who do have much more to offer us than merely an expanded cuisine and cricket. We would do well to listen to them well, engage with interest that we might learn much from each other! The key to this is a love for learning and humility devoid of cultural arrogance and ignorance of lifestyles and attitudes different to our own. Yes, 'variety' truly is the spice of life...and both ways a God-given blessing...if we see it and receive it as such.

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I have no general issue with immigrants wishing to settle in NZ, raise their families, take employment and establish new businesses, adopt our laws, pay taxes and vote. What I do take issue with is that they are given NZ Citizenship as soon as they arrive.... some go on to benefits and make little attempt to integrate or even learn our language and some offend.... a particular group which have settled in numbers in other countries are now demanding rights to practice their own version of law, seperate from their new Nations own laws. I am also aware of two refugees who have offended overseas and one continued to seriously offend in NZ. He was jailed for 2 yrs and found to have offended in Europe before being granted NZ Citizenship. Once they obtain that, then they cannot be deported. I would therefore like to see a refugee Visa granted for say 3 -5 yrs. During that time they receive formal reviews and advice and even support if necessary (eg free English classes). At the end of their Visa time if they are not self supporting (ie no special benefits), if children are not in school, or if they have offended... then they should be carefully reviewed for deportation back to their birth country. Many refugees come from countries not as liberal as ours. Countries with deep rooted ethnic hatred problems, totally different values and no social welfare....the Muslim vs Hindu youth gangs in some cities in UK are becoming a particular issue with regular rapes and murders and I understand that UK Police are no longer attending domestic violence calls to private homes.... is this what we want to see in our country too?

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Western countries are in lockstep to ruin this current system in order to bring in the one world government.

All open borders do ( you may as well say we've got open borders) is bring the standards down. We aren't getting the cream of the crop....rather the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

An example is the $1.00 dairy scam Indians are in. Yep the dairies are a way to get permanent residence after which they vacate the dairy selling it to another Indian family for $1.00. Or the employment scam where one relatively qualified Indian gets into management and makes life unbearable for Kiwi staff. One by one they're pushed out of the job and two part time Indians take their place. But God forbid you point it out. Everyone's terrified of being called that hurts word, racist

And the growing Muslim population could be the end of us. Two words. Global jihad

One day not too far in the future NZ will be full of terrified white people who welcomed them all in. How frigging dumb can you get ? My sympathies aren't for them obviously but for the ones who saw what was happening or would happen one day and argued against it.

I'll be OK, I'm brown. Hope you all know how to wield an axe

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The most important question, not addressed here, is how many of our immigrants are Moslems.

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It doesnt matter how highly educated immigrants are, if you’re a tall poppy, most seeking professional recognition get bullied out of the institutionalised toxic workplaces in NZ. That’s why 50% of the immigrant doctors here don’t stay longer than 18 mnths according to data from their professional societies.

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