The Covid vaccine is the elephant in the room by destroying people’s immunity.

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Thanks for the citation, Peter. I think we all know what the root cause of all the ill health and excess deaths is. It’s a tough truth to face. Here’s a link to my Medsafe article for those interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/informedheart/p/nz-bigpharma-enabler-medsafe-shocking?r=q9aq0&utm_medium=ios

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I am amazed at the illness figures. I wonder if repeated attempts at immunisation for every flu variety - rather than building up a robust auto-immune system naturally -- may be a cause?

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The elephant in the room of course, is Covid, the nation's response and the fact that the Govt keeps pushing Covid vaccinations.

We have good friends, one a semi-retired MD. Both take this vaccination as scheduled each year and are sick each time. Most recently prior to an overseas trip, that they had to delay deprature for due to both's response to the most recent jab.

Personally we forgo this vaccination and eat healthy, home cooked meals, fresh fruit and vege and exercise regularly, supported with intake of Vit C, Vit D & support good gut health with home made kimchi and other fermented food too.

We rarely get sick or have more than a runny nose or short bout of a cough or blocked nose for any more than 2-3 days.

In addition just yesterday, Rob McCulloch in Down to eat Kiwi has published a post on our Covid response & the state of our economy being at odds with the narrative continuing to be promulgated by the MSM and Labour..

Link to article: https://www.downtoearth.kiwi/post/opposition-leader-hipkins-and-former-pm-ardern-repeatedly-said-we-beat-the-world-on-covid-our-world

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Hi Peter,

You might find this article on anaphylaxis and allergies following the injection of foreign substances into the body interesting and a useful explanation for why people in our modern world are so sick:


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For 3 years I have been following Walter M Chesnut from WMC research his latest post - "BREAKTHROUGH: The Spike Protein, via the Endothelium (SPED), Induces A State of Systemic, Chronic ROS Production Leading to Multiple Pathologies. Walter says "Without question. The Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 must be avoided at all costs. A state of chronic ROS production cannot be endured by the body. This is certainly how it is aging us. Fortunately, we can avoid massive doses of Spike and reduce duration/severity of infection. We can also heal the damage done and prevent future damage. " https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/breakthrough-the-spike-protein-via?publication_id=770713&post_id=148962311&isFreemail=false&r=q3z4e&triedRedirect=true

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In fact there is a very nasty respiratory virus doing the rounds right now.

We have had several family members very sick with it in different cities.

The virus is very contagious.

It is NOT influenza.

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